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Assembly Source File
314 lines
; CHMOD Version 1.1 5/3/84
; by David Whitman
; Utility to examine and modify the read/write
; mode of a file under DOS 2.0.
; Syntax:
; CHMOD [d:][path] [filespec] [/N] [/R] [/S] [/H]
; If no file is specified, a help message is printed,
; summarizing the CHMOD command syntax.
; The attribute byte of the specified file is set
; according to the selected options:
; /N - normal file
; /R - read only
; /S - system file
; /H - hidden file
; Multiple options may be selected. /N will cancel
; options preceding it in the command line.
; If no options are selected, a report on the current
; mode of the specified file is sent to the standard output.
; On exit, ERRORLEVEL is set to reflect the current file
; mode, and/or the success of the change, as follows:
; normal file --> 0
; read only file --> 1
; hidden file --> 2
; system file --> 4
; failed operation --> 8
; Requires DOS 2.0, will abort under earlier versions.
; This source file is in CHASM assembler syntax.
@chmod equ 43H ;change file mode
@dosver equ 30H ;get DOS version number
@exit equ 4CH ;set ERRORLEVEL and exit
@prnstr equ 09H ;print string
normal equ 00H
readonly equ 01H
hidden equ 02H
system equ 04H
failure equ 08H
true equ 0FFH ;boolean values
false equ 00H
cr equ 0DH ;carriage return
lf equ 0AH ;line feed
beep equ 07H ;bell
param_area equ [81H] ;unformatted parameter area
param_count equ [80H] ;number of characters in above
chmod proc near
call chkdos ;test for proper DOS
call parsefile ;parse path/filename
call options ;parse options, set flags
call doit ;perform specified action
call cleanup ;final processing, exit
mov al, opflag ;set errorlevel with current attributes
mov ah, @exit ;and exit
int 21H
; Checks for proper DOS, exits if not 2.0 or above
chkdos proc near
mov ah, @dosver ;get dos version number
int 21H ;with dos call
cmp al, 2 ;2.0 or over?
jae a1 ;yes, skip
mov ah, @prnstr ;no, bitch
mov dx, offset(baddos) ;point to message
int 21H ;and print it
pop ax ;reset stack
int 20H ;and exit
baddos db beep, cr, lf, 'This program requires DOS 2.0!' cr, lf, '$'
; Scans the parameter area for a path/filename.
; Sets PATHPTR to point to the name, and terminates
; it with a 0, to make an ASCIIZ string.
; If no name is found, ERRORLEVEL is set to 8,
; and control is passed back to DOS.
parsefile proc near
xor ch,ch ;cx <== # of parameter characters
mov cl, param_count ; "
mov di, offset(param_area)
mov al, ' ' ;search for first non-blank
jcxz berror ;nothing? bitch
dec di ;back up to character found
inc cx ; "
cmpb [di], '/' ;are we into the options?
jne b1 ;no, skip
berror mov ah, @prnstr ;yes, print help message
mov dx, offset(nofile)
int 21H
pop ax ;reset stack
mov ah, @exit ;set error level and exit
mov al, failure
int 21H
mov pathptr, di ;otherwise point to pathname
repne ;now search for next blank
jcxz b2 ;reached end of data?
dec di ;nope, back up to last non-blank
inc cx ; "
b2 movb [di], 00H ;ASCIIZ string terminator
pathptr db 00H, 00H ;pointer to path/filename
nofile db cr, lf
db 'CHMOD version 1.1' cr lf
db cr lf
db 'Syntax: CHMOD [d:][path] [filespec] [/N] [/R] [/S] [/H]'
db cr lf cr lf
db 'The attribute byte of the specified file is set' cr lf
db 'according to the selected options:' cr lf
db cr lf
db ' /N - normal file' cr lf
db ' /R - read only' cr lf
db ' /S - system file' cr lf
db ' /H - hidden file' cr lf
db cr lf
db 'Multiple options may be selected.' cr lf
db cr lf
db 'If no options are selected, a report on the current mode' cr lf
db 'of the specified file is sent to STDOUT and ERRORLEVEL'cr lf
db 'is set to the value of the file attribute byte. ' cr lf cr lf
db '$'
; Scans the command line for options, and builds
; the new attribute byte in OPFLAG.
; If options are found, OPFOUND is set true, otherwise
; it remains false.
options proc near
;cx still has number of chars. left,
;di points to current position.
c1 mov al, '/' ;options marked with '/'
repnz ;scan for options
jcxz cexit ;reached end
mov al, [di] ;get option character
and al, 0DFH ;guarantees upper case
cmp al, 'N' ;normal file?
jne c2 ;no, skip
movb opflag, normal ;yes, clear all bits
movb opfound, true ;set found flag
jmps c1 ;and loop
c2 cmp al, 'R' ;read only?
jne c3 ;no, skip
orb opflag, readonly ;yes, set option flag
movb opfound, true ;set found flag
jmps c1 ;and loop
c3 cmp al, 'S' ;system?
jne c4 ;no, skip
orb opflag, system ;yes, set option flag
movb opfound, true ;set found flag
jmps c1 ;and loop
c4 cmp al, 'H' ;hidden?
jne c1 ;no, just loop
orb opflag, hidden ;yes, set option flag
movb opfound, true ;set found flag
jmps c1 ;and loop
cexit ret
opflag db 00H ;options selected - new attribute byte
opfound db 00H ;if non-zero, an option was decoded
; Does the actual work. Either sets new file attribute,
; or reads the existing attribute.
doit proc near
mov dx, pathptr ;point DX at ASCIIZ path/filename
cmpb opfound, false ;any options?
je d1 ;no, skip
xor ch,ch ;CX <== new attribute byte
mov cl, opflag
mov al, 01H ;enable attribute setting
jmps d2
d1 mov al, 00H ;enable attribute read
d2 mov ah, @chmod ;change file mode dos call
int 21H
jc derr ;carry flag means error
and cl, 07H ;mask off high bits
mov opflag, cl ;save attribute byte
jmps dexit ;and exit gracefully
derr cmp al, 02H ;file not found error
jne d3
mov dx, offset(fnferror)
mov ah, @prnstr
int 21H
jmps dabort
d3 cmp al, 03H ;path not found error
jne d4
mov dx, offset(pnferror)
mov ah, @prnstr
int 21h
jmps dabort
d4 cmp al, 05H ;access denied error
jne dabort
mov dx, offset(aderror)
mov ah, @prnstr
int 21H
dabort pop ax ;reset stack
mov al, failure ;set errorlevel
mov ah, @exit ;and abort to dos
int 21H
dexit ret ;normal return
fnferror db cr, lf, 'File not found.' cr, lf, '$'
pnferror db cr, lf, 'Path not found.' cr, lf, '$'
aderror db cr, lf, 'Access denied.' cr, lf, '$'
; If no options were specified, a report of current
; attributes is printed.
cleanup proc near
cmpb opfound, true ;were options specified?
je eexit ;yes, exit
mov ah, @prnstr ;print report header
mov dx, offset(header)
int 21H
testb opflag, readonly ;read only?
jz e1
mov dx, offset(roattrib) ;print attribute message
int 21H
e1 testb opflag, system ;system?
jz e2
mov dx, offset(sattrib) ;print attribute message
int 21H
e2 testb opflag, hidden ;hidden?
jz e3
mov dx, offset(hattrib) ;print attribute message
int 21H
e3 cmpb opflag, normal ;normal?
jne eexit
mov dx, offset(nattrib) ;print attribute message
int 21H
eexit ret
header db cr, lf, 'Current Attributes:' cr, lf, cr, lf, '$'
roattrib db ' Read only' cr, lf, '$'
sattrib db ' System' cr, lf, '$'
hattrib db ' Hidden' cr, lf, '$'
nattrib db ' Normal' cr, lf, '$'